
NCML is a platform to identify, deliberate, discuss, and suggest actions and solutions on legal issues affecting healthcare. Your participation in form of registering for the event, sharing your queries & expressing your views raises the benchmark for all stakeholders, Doctors, Lawyers and Regulators - equally

Justice Sunil Ambwani

Former Chief Justice, Rajasthan High court
Chairman, e-Committee, Supreme Court of India

Dr. Bhagwat Karad

Member of Parliament

Dr. Ramapati Ram Tripathi

Member of Parliament

Dr. Mohammad Jawed

Member of Parliament

Dr. T N Ravisankar

Faculty, Medical Law,
Anna Institute of Managment


Dr. Parag Rindani

CEO, Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai

Dr. Ajith Tennakoon

Chief Judicial Medical Officer (IFM & T) Sri Lanka

Mr. Bharat Shah

Sec.ZTCC, (Mum) Narmada Kidney Foundation

Dr. Dhruva Choudhary

President, Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Harish Pathak

HOD - Foresnic Dept, Seth GS Medical College

Dr. Joseph Palmero

MD. Philippine National Police, Medico-legal Division

Dr. Lalit Shah

Medlegal Head, Urological Society of India

Dr. Maria P. Gomez

Executive Director, DTI Foundation, Barcelona-SPAIN

Mahendrakumar Bajpai

Advocate, Supreme Court of India

Dr. Noble Gracious

Kerala Network for Organ Transport

Dr. Prabhakar Baliga

Transplant Surgeon, South Carolina, USA

Dr. Rahul Pandit

Vice President, Indian Society of Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Ratna Devi

Chair, International Aliance of Patient Organisations

Dr. Roopkumar Gursahani

Consultant Neurologist, Hinduja Hospital

Dr. S K Mathur

President, Zonal Transplant Coordination Centre

Dr. Sunil Shroff

Transplant Surgeon, Managing Trustee, Mohan Foundation

Dr. Swarnalatha

Senior Medical Professional Incharge, Jeevandan

Dr. Vasanthi Ramesh

Director, National Organ & Tissue Transplant Organisation